Turbo & Monorepo

npm install mdx turbo

I have learned how to build a documentation site with the help of using some couple of libraries - MDX, turbo and some other prerequisites dev stuffs

Official Docs

T3 - Start building a backed applicatin

npm create t3-app@latest my-t30-very-latest-modern-v1.0.0.1

I have been using Nextjs for most of my fullstack dev experience now , I started learning tRPC to excel a native backend experience and other serverless serveice as BaaS


Learned More About Nextjs13 - The time of release

npx create-next-app my-app-final-v1.0.0.1

By the time i was facinated by the level of abstraction & so many feature that was added on Nextjs 13 experimental app release which pushed to learn more about how to build an entire application just using Nextjs13


Also learning about where could i host all the app - Vercel


I have also learned where should i have to deploy and manage my deployment and learned a lot of topic that could elevate the effeciency of my app in most cases

  • Edge Function
  • Serverless Function
  • KV - in memory cache
  • CI/CD

Explore docs

What about backend application ?

npm install express dotenv mongoose cors axios 


pip install fastapi

I have learned how could i build and deploy my backend using Python and Nodejs along way with a db management with in memory db like redis .

🤔 Topological Sort asks for Database here ?



const user = await prisma.user.findMany(
 where {
   id = 1;

I have also be pushed to learned a db before moving to building my backedn applciation , which could give a soul for my application. i have learned SQL , MongoDB and someother ORM and ODM which can enhance my experience on working with non relation or relational dbs.

Again Topological sort ? learning what the user

npx create-react-app my-very-very-first-app-v1.0.0.1 

this is where web dev journey embrase and started officially, I have learned building user interface using HTML as well as css and I have backed my skill by learnign JS - along way with reactjs - a forntend lib for building user interfaces